Community Fund

The Brora Thrift shop is a shop which sells second hand products donated by residents of Brora.  The profits are given out to various local groups for community projects and the environment is improved by reducing landfill waste.  This year the Directors of Kilbraur Wind Energy Co-operative Ltd gave a small donation of £100 to this local shop.

When Falck agreed to establish the co-operative, a small development fund was set aside to support small projects in the local community.

In early 2010, the KWEC board offered the three local primary schools each £1000 towards a specific project that would enhance the school environment and meet criteria relating to sustainable development.

To read more please click here

Recently the Co-op’s board has been working with the Highland Hospice to fund the purchase of a mobile ultrasound scanner for use in the Scottish Highlands. The idea was first suggested by the Co-op’s former chairman Bruce Field and has largely been developed by Co-op board member Graham Phillips working with the Hospice’s fundraising director Andrew Leaver.

To read more please click here

The development fund has now been largely spent and until such time as more funds become available the co-op is unable to assist local projects. The local Kilbraur Wind Farm Community Benefit Trust may be able to assist.

